Friday, January 17, 2014

The Four Paths and The Three and a Half Queens

"One day, in a forest in Morocco, four paths converged at a single point. In the center of the point sat the fabled Nutella tree, dripping free hazelnut spread to all passerby. On this coincidental day, four young women walked down each path separately. They were:

Asumi, the Chinese fan doll with the capability to dance and swim herself to the aid of any of her loyal compatriots;

Laura, the Queen of the Sirens, whose beautiful voice had the power to stir wombats from the trees and men from their wives;

Sarah, the Magical Fairy of Languages and Gifts with the ability to speak any language in the world and consistently found luck wherever she stepped;

and Emily, the Warrior, Fire-Breather, and Party Monger, who incites energy, love, and activity when not warring ferociously.

These four brave women stumbled upon the tree at the exact same time, on the exact same time, because the Great God Allah willed them to. They stood in a circle around the tree, staring at one another, wondering about each other's odd clothing. Suddenly, they noticed the smell of mallagai-puu (jasmine) wafting from above. They looked up and saw Allah, in the form of the Goddess of Odd, Krishna-Julie, descending toward them. She was sitting like Buddha and floating downward, draped in saris but very much Caucasian.

She said to the travelers, 'I have called you four women to this Tree of Free Nutella Goodness because you are meant to know each other. You are meant to live your lives aware of each others loves, hates, and endeavors. You will be forever indebted and giving to one another. Despite arguments or times of solitude, you will always love each other. And I will always be weird."

The girls knew that they could not deny the sage and divine truth of Allah Krishna-Julie. So, they took one another's hands, put their faces under the streaming lines of hazelnut goodness, and drank all the Tree had to offer."

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