It was time for the Three Queens and a Half to die. They sat in a circle underneath the Nutella Tree, facing each other. Emily the Warrior had the most wrinkles on her face; her skin reflected years of running in the sun, fighting battles amongst the tall grasses, and even bore some dirt still caked within the smile lines around her mouth. Sarah the Fairy was next: her wrinkles might be interpreted, if viewed in the soft light of the setting sun, as a map. One could follow the little capillaries around her winking eyes to the top of her tall brow, down around her round nose and to the base of her chin to map her journeys through the heavens. Next was Laura the Queen, whose wrinkles only served to make her image more awe-inspiring. They formed small perfect circles throughout her skin, just like the shape her lovely mouth formed when singing ancient Operas. She actually was relatively wrinkle-free, as she had only grown more spectral with age; she evoked a certain timelessness. Finally, Asumi the Mother was, of course, completely wrinkle-free. Her unlimited estrogen and constant attendance to the children of the world kept her with the fresh, olive, healthful skin of younger years. She may be on the brink of her death, yet she looked as if she had just emerged from the Fountain of Youth...
The Queens had come together like an old elephant does, removing themselves from their respective societies to share their final adventure together. They sat looking at one another, knees touching, and watched the ghosts trailing one another. The silver ghosts traced the women's history for them. Behind Emily the Warrior were legions of tribes and her younger sisters perched on her shoulders. Throughout the tribes were spotted Emily's heroes: females of years past, leading their families into battles, their lovers from harm, their bottoms to dance. Behind Sarah the Fairy, immediately, were her lover, her father, her mother, her brothers, and their children. Although they were ghosts, one sensed that those people were very much alive to Sarah, maybe floating with her in a parallel universe which observed a certain temporality not easily captured by verbiage. Behind Laura the Queen were a curious mixture of people and things, because (as we all know) things can acquire a certain being-ness that renders them as "alive" as humans. For instance, Laura's father shared space with a giant snail (which often served as Laura's royal stead). There were ghostly jasmine flowers growing behind Laura and the faces of a family that she never knew. Her mother held seashells. Many cats could be seen hopping amongst the milieu. Behind Asumi the Mother was Captain Pepper, her family, and many, many, many happy children. All of the happy, lost, and wounded children of the world were behind Asumi. They were not afraid.
Tired, content, and prepared, the Queens slowly leaned toward one another. From the mountain above the Queens could hear the trickle of water pouring down toward the Nutella Tree. As the water grew nearer, Laura's billowing black dress filled with a warm air. The Queens sat upon her dress just as water gushed around the tree and pulled them up, up, down, down. Then Queens had heard tales of a mighty flood ending in the Ocean of Light, but they had never felt the need to pursue that adventure. Now, it was time.
The journey's outset was rather pleasant; the Queens watched miscellaneous flora and fauna pass by, casually saying goodbye to the Earthly beings they may not again witness. Laura began to sing. Her voice was a purple rope that pulled the Queens along toward the Ocean of Light. With each melody their journey progressed. Sarah and Asumi began to sing low and soft, providing their guide the support Laura navigate the increasingly rough waters. The river altered course down large falls and past massive boulders. The Queens felt suddenly scared and struggled to stay amongst Laura's dress-boat. Emily used whatever power remained amongst her weak muscles to assume an encapsulating yoga pose which held all the Queens together. Laura sang louder, Asumi and Sarah provided vocal support, and Emily held them tight. Down waterfalls, up geysers, through caves, amongst waves, the Queens held and guided one another.
Finally, they were deposited into a soft, cool bay. The beach slowly passed them by. They were out in the open water. They held hands. They turned to wave at their ghosts watching them from the sandy banks. The Queens turned to face the Ocean of Light.
All was Lost.
All was Found.
A bird was heard chirping in the distance.
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