Thursday, January 30, 2014

CHAPTER 4. Introducing: Queen Sarah, the Magical Fairy of Languages and Gifts

Queen Sarah

One warm evening near the end of sunset, a white owl sat burrowed in the thick of a Sycamore tree gazing towards the elongating shadows forming behind the Egyptian pyramids. A slow, effervescent breeze gently stirred the leaves of the Sycamore and the feathers around the owl’s thick neck and up through it’s nostrils. In, went the breath of this unfamiliar presence, and out came a stream of golden dust. It sneezed so hard that some of the Sycamore’s trees loosened and wafted towards the ground. “Bless you, owl” said the tree, “Sahha, bless you, gesundheit, hari om, salute!” said Sarah, who, still forming from Sycamore leaves and golden dust, ended up sounding like she said “isduhfisudhfiuh.” She scared the owl so bad he flew into a different tree. The Sycamore instantly decided he was no longer a speaking tree.

What they didn’t know is that Sarah has been alive since before their time and was reigning as a Queen in her small kingdom of Maltan, near southern Bahbah. She knows both of their ancestors, some of whom serve within her kingdom as royal mail deliverer and noble shade-giver. She had specifically chosen them, the sons of their forefathers, for this special task of initiating her time travel. It’s a simpler time in her kingdom, for everyone remains content with their simple lives. 

“What” you might ask, “would cause Queen Sarah to feel the urge time travel?” I’ll tell you. You see, everyone in her kingdom feels content with their lives except for her. She finds herself to be generally happy. Her marriage to the King is stronger than ever and she finds comfort by the sweet song of her favorite royal birds, the red robins. Her intellect remains stimulated by her exciting conversations with Greegoo (her royal mail deliverer) but yet there is a deeper craving. Her mother had given her a book called “At the End of the Marvelous Stream” which is about a mystical, sweet tasting, thick chocolate syrup that flows from a beautiful tree called Nutella. It is there, her mother once said, that she would experience a new world formed only when the spirits of four women from different times and different solar systems became physically existent. The book gave her all the secrets on how to get there and that is how she formed from golden dust and Sycamore leaves through the nostrils of her friend Greegoo’s great, great, great, great, grandson, Dreedoo. 

Now by the time Dreedoo looked back at this muttering pile dust he was in the other tree. He nearly fell out when he saw a beautiful woman with long golden hair looking straight at him and giggling. She was giggling so hard that the Sycamore couldn’t help but smirk. Though, with that smirk his leaves rustled and he revealed himself as a conscious being. When Sarah noticed, through her giggles she managed to say “ne vous inquiétez pas, je suis inoffensif et je vous aime.” (which means “do not worry, I am harmless and I like you.” in French.) The Sycamore stared at her and thought, “right as I thought she was alright she goes on mumbling crazy gibberish.” But, Sarah is perceptive and could see that it puzzled him and so she decided to continue to speak in the language of this story.

“Tee hee, ha ha, hee hee hee!” and on she giggled until she collected herself and said “ok ok ok ok ok cuties, so I need to find like, this tree, ya know? The Nutella tree from the book my mom gave me. You know? From At the End of the Marvelous Stream??? Ha ha ha ha! Mmkay?” 

The Sycamore didn’t know how to react to her foreign accent.  At this point the owl, wise and understanding, regained his confidence and decided to help his old Sycamore friend and try and converse with this strange, giggling, golden human.  He somehow felt strangely familiar with her accent and decided it was okay to trust her. Owls have a good sense of trust. Also, he knew about this tree she was very erratically describing. His wife owl Sabna and her friends flew by it just the other day. 

Flashback to their conversation a few days earlier “It was so goooolden, so shiny, I thought to myself ‘I really should take some of those leaves and liven up our borough home.’ It’s just so duuuull Dreebabe, so duuuull. Gosh whatever is that crazy brown goo though, such a draaag it makes the tree look muddy!” Dreedoo sips coffee and shuffles newsletter. Flashback to present.

“Strange, giggling, golden human. I know this tree you talk about. My wife Sabna has been there recently and told me how to get there." So he guided her as she walked towards to stream, flying from tree to tree, making sure she wasn’t looking at his butt. He was self-conscious about his butt. It was “so cute and poofypoofy” as his wife had awkwardly put it. On and on they went for about an hour and with these last words he confidently sent her off to walk the stream alone. “The stream runs about a hundred paces further. At the end you will see bridge leading to the island where the tree grows. I hope you find what you’re looking for. I have to go, my wife is making fig pie for dinner.” 

“Hee hee ok have a good dinner! Thanks for your help!” said Sarah as she walked along. (How nice and simple this was for Sarah, for you see she finds luck wherever she goes.) She could already smell the aroma of Nutella. It was exactly as the book described. Rich… bold… salivating… “I wonder why the owl didn’t seem interested in Nutella.” You see, even though the owls are wise, they don’t understand the concept of Nutella. With every step the scent grew stronger and suddenly now in close distance to the tall, golden tree appeared three shadowy figures. Three beautiful women named Queen Asumi, Queen Laura, and King-Queen Emily stepped out of the shadows. 

Soft golden light from the flowers of the tree shined on their faces enlightening their unique and strange features. Queen Asumi then brought Sarah a ruby laced goblet filled with the dense sweet liquid and said “We’ve been waiting for your Sarrraaah!” and with that their adventures began. - 

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